Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Minor: History

Core Skills

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Powerpoint
  • Good Research and writing skills
  • Punjabi

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • HU TOPS 100% Scholarship


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Project ‘Wujood’ Led by Serve Club - Instructor
  • Mouseequi Club at Habib University - Society Member

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Engro Energy Limited - Project Intern | HR Dept.
  • - Content Writer
  • Shehri CBE - Research Intern
  • Read Pakistan - Social Media Executive
  • Aga Khan Health Center - Intern
  • Webiff Solutions and - Freelance Writer

Final Year Project

Project Title

TVET Sector in Sindh: Scope, Current Practices, and Existing Problems


The primary aim of this research study is to analyze the current situation of political economy of laborers in Sindh and the scope of TVET system in ameliorating their working opportunities and conditions. Secondly, it aims to identify existing (technical and governance) problems in the TVET system of Sindh with the help of policy, program and market analysis, and possible recommendations for its improvement. According to research findings, significant skill gaps have been identified in Sindh’s TVET due to unsuccessful policies that has contributed to rising unemployment in various sectors of the economy.